
How I can help You...

I Am A Certified Quickbooks ProAdvisor Online & A Solutions Provider

My firm ...

  • Requires NO long-term contracts - Only a 30-day notice of termination.
  • Tailors a service package to meet your business's unique needs.

Core Virtual Bookkeeping Services

  • Quickbooks Online business accounting tool
  • Statement and receipt management tool, like Hubdoc or Quickbooks Online Receipt Capture
  • Balance your books/register with your bank accounts.
    • Balance Sheet — shows the assets, liabilities, and equity (capital) in your business. This report is also called the “Statement of Financial Position/Condition.”
    • Income Statement — shows the net income or profit of your business. It is a summary of the revenues, costs, expenses, and net income of your business.
    • Statement of Cash Flows — shows the flow of the cash through your business in 3 categories:
      • Operating Activities – day-to-day operations.
      • Investing Activities – purchases made to support your business, like purchasing equipment.
      • Financing Activities – taking out loans or lines of credit to support purchasing investments in your business.
    This is where we review the 3 standard financial reports, which are the barometers of your business’s health, and discuss any concerns or questions you may have.

    If you experience problems with your business’s books or have a question about them outside of our monthly meeting, email me. It is better to nip a problem or concern in the bud than let it fester and get out of hand.

    I will work with your tax preparer to provide the annual financial reports that s/he needs to help you file your taxes.

    Request A Free Consult

    Put my expertise to work for you, so that you can spend your valuable time on growing your business.

    Add-on virtual bookkeeping services

    Some of these services are a one-time service and fee; others can be appended to the monthly service schedule.

    This is a one-time set-up task and generally used for clients new to Quickbooks Online.

    This is a one-time service and fee. This service is done so that your business’s books comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and improve the quality of the financial statements so you can have a clear indication of your business’s health.

    Are you behind on reconciling your bank accounts to your business’s books? Then this service is required.

    This is an upon request production of reports other than the 3 standard financial statements given each month. These reports can also be added to the monthly review process.

    Your books belong to you and I will provide training for Quickbooks Online to you so that you can keep tabs on your business’s finances and record the appropriate information.

    This service is an upon request service.

    This is an upon request service for additional consulting outside or in addition to the regularly scheduled monthly review meeting.

    This service is having me use Quickbooks Online to prepare invoices to your customers. I can also apply credits and refunds that you approve to customer’s accounts.

    This service is having me use Quickbooks Online to prepare bills to your vendors. Only you can sign the checks. I can also apply credits and refunds that your vendors approve.

    This service is having me use Quickbooks Online and to prepare 1099s for your contractors and vendors.

    Request A Free Consult

    Put my expertise to work for you, so that you can spend your valuable time on growing your business.


    Each business has its own bookkeeping needs, so there is no one-size-fits-all cost or service package, therefore, an hourly rate is meaningless and is unfair to my clients.

    After we have our initial consultation and you provide me with the required financial information, I will develop a service package that fits your business’ needs and provide you with the cost of that package. You will have the opportunity to review this information before making a decision to accept or reject the package. This process is a fairer way to charge for my client’s bookkeeping needs.

    Request A Free Consult

    Put my expertise to work for you, so that you can spend your valuable time on growing your business.